My Gabriel will be 4 on Sunday. I can't believe it's here already. I know we've been planning this party for months. The theme is bowling, so not only is it at the bowling alley, all the party favors and decorations related to bowling. Even the cakes, which he helped my MIL make today.
It's just hard to believe that he's growing up so quickly. I mean, next year, he'll be 5, and ::shudder:: starting school. Trust me when I say that I will be bawling like a baby on his first day of school, and he will, no doubt, skip happily along to explore his classroom.
His big present this year is a twin bed. He's been in a toddler bed since about 18-months, when he figured out how to fall out of his crib, but now he will be in a big bed. We bought it a couple months ago from IKEA, and it's great, because it sits nice and low to the floor and doesn't require a box spring if you use those wooden slats. We let him pick out two sets of sheets for it - Handy Manny and Cars. Oscar is going to put it together Sunday morning while I take him out to breakfast.
I'll post an update, hopefully Sunday evening, about his party, but here's a look at my baby over the years:

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